TPBC Youth Ministries

Middle school & High school meet every Friday at our church building to make friends, have fun, study the Bible and grow in their faith.

TPBCY Students

If you are in middle school or high school, there’s a group just for you! We believe in having fun and growing in our spiritual maturity.

We meet Friday nights at 7:30 pm on our church property. Our youth encounter deep Biblical teachings that are relevant to their age.

We meet as a group and then sometimes split up into smaller groups to do breakout sessions. We know you’ll be excited to be part of TP Youth Ministries.

If you want to get connected just come this Friday.

First time here?

We know it’s important for students to fit in and be accepted as they are. That’s why, TP Youth is definitely the place to check out!

Parents, at TPBCY, students get together for fun, make friends, worship God, and most importantly are inspired to live the life God created them for.

We understand all teens are trendsetters. In fact, they are young men and women with abilities and drive to change the world. We believe in them, helping them achieve their goals, and teaching them how to find and follow Christ.